imapd/ipop3d coredump - the patch.

From: raf@licj..... (Bugtraq Mirror) (raf@licj.....)
Date: Wed Feb 04 1998 - 23:45:38 PST

  • Next message: whiz: "Windows 95 Serv-U FTP bug"

    The patch corrects the coredump error in both imapd and ipop3d (the pine
    version of pop3 server). Patch is against pine 3.96:
    root@feu:~/src/pine3.96/imap/ANSI/c-client# diff -ru log_lnx.c.orig
    --- log_lnx.c.orig      Tue May  2 00:08:20 1995
    +++ log_lnx.c   Thu Feb  5 08:49:31 1998
    @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@
                                    /* allow case-independent match */
       if (!pw) pw = getpwnam (lcase (strcpy (tmp,user)));
                                    /* no entry for this user or root */
    -  if (!(pw && pw->pw_uid)) return NIL;
    +  if (!(pw)) return NIL;
    +  if (!(pw->pw_uid)) return NIL;
       if(!(spw = getspnam (pw->pw_name))) return NIL;
                                    /* validate password */
       if (strcmp (spw->sp_pwdp,(char *) pw_encrypt(pass,spw->sp_pwdp))) return NIL;
    ... why do we need "optimisations" when authentificating users ???? :)
    and btw: in original version root was still able to log in...
    Radu-Adrian Feurdean

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