Re: www-sql cgi prog overrides .htaccess restrictions.

From: Stunt Pope (markjrat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 09 1998 - 09:27:25 PST

  • Next message: Joerg Schumacher: "AIX/Gradient iFOR/LS bug: follows symlinks"

    On 09-Feb-98 Mr LEROY christophe wrote:
    >www-sql is a cgi program to access a mysql database via a http server
    >and create easyly some pages from a query result.
    >That program acts as a filter, using PATH_TRANSLATED feature to
    >access html files on your server tree, and it translates <! sql ...> tags
    >into html viewable text, letting other parts of the html file unchanged.
    >The problem is that www-sql performs nothing to verify if a user can
    >access the intended PATH_TRANSLATED file.
    >So, suppose your htdocs tree is /home/htdocs/
    >you have a subdirectory /home/htdocs/protected/ in which you have
    >you have restricted access using .htaccess file.
    >In your browser, enter URL http://your.server/protected/something.html:
    >you get prompted a username and a password.
    >Now, enter URL http://your.server/cgi-bin/www-sql/protected/something.html:
    >you get the requested file
    >www-sql is available into Incoming sunsite directory
    This is a common characteristic of other "cgi-wrapper" programs as well,
    including w3-msql and php.cgi. The latter addresses this by giving one
    the option to set PATTERN_RESTRICT at compile time (that way it will
    only load files ending in say ".phtml"), or by compiling as an apache
    module. I'm not sure about w3-msql because I haven't been following it
    for quite some time.
    regards, markjr
    Mark Jeftovic                   aka: mark jeff or vic, stunt pope.
    PWC's BOFH            
    irc: L-bOMb                     Keep `em Guessing

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