Re: Fix for SMB DOS attack posted

From: Aleph One (aleph1at_private)
Date: Fri Feb 13 1998 - 18:41:46 PST

  • Next message: Paul Leach: "Re: Fix for SMB DOS attack posted"

    On Fri, 13 Feb 1998, Paul Leach wrote:
    > A hot-fix for a DOS attack on NT file servers that had not been previously
    > publically known has been posted. The following is the KB article on the
    > fix.
    > DOCUMENT: Q180963
    > TITLE   :Denial of Service Attack Causes Windows NT Systems to Reboot
    > PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT
    > PROD/VER:4.00
    > KEYWORDS:kbbug4.00 kbfix4.00 NTSrv ntstop
    Well it would seem some folks have found the problem (or something
    similar) before as Oliver Friedrichs from Secure Networks hinted at back
    in October on the NTBugTraq mailing list.
    Maybe the secnet folks would like to discuss some of their findings.
    Aleph One / aleph1at_private
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