Re: Fix for SMB DOS attack posted

From: Paul Leach (paulleat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 13 1998 - 19:31:12 PST

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Administratrivia"

    A bug Oliver privately reported (with more information and a repro program)
    was one of the ones fixed by the patch; it also fixed another one that I
    don't believe was reported (but since I was wrong about his...). I didn't
    realize he had posted a report about it to BUGTRAQ. I didn't want to mention
    his name without his permission. I'll gladly credit the other guy too, if he
    says its OK (I've sent mail).
    In any case, what I was really thinking and could have said better was that
    there was no publically released exploit.
    People worried about NT DOS attacks should also look at the LSA-FIX from
    last June. It fixed the problems mentioned by Paul Ashton in the archived
    > ----------
    > From:         Aleph One[SMTP:aleph1at_private]
    > Sent:         Friday, February 13, 1998 6:41 PM
    > To:   Paul Leach
    > Cc:   BUGTRAQat_private
    > Subject:      Re: Fix for SMB DOS attack posted
    > On Fri, 13 Feb 1998, Paul Leach wrote:
    > > A hot-fix for a DOS attack on NT file servers that had not been
    > previously
    > > publically known has been posted. The following is the KB article on the
    > > fix.
    > >
    > > DOCUMENT: Q180963
    > > TITLE   :Denial of Service Attack Causes Windows NT Systems to Reboot
    > > PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT
    > > PROD/VER:4.00
    > > KEYWORDS:kbbug4.00 kbfix4.00 NTSrv ntstop
    > Well it would seem some folks have found the problem (or something
    > similar) before as Oliver Friedrichs from Secure Networks hinted at back
    > in October on the NTBugTraq mailing list.
    > =791&P=4201
    > Maybe the secnet folks would like to discuss some of their findings.
    > Aleph One / aleph1at_private
    > KeyID 1024/948FD6B5
    > Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61  8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01

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