Re: Pipe attacks

From: Theo de Raadt (deraadtat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 20 1998 - 19:10:53 PST

  • Next message: Micha³ Zalewski: "Final "pipe attack" exploit - AGHHHR!!!"

    I have made comments before that to the effect that "symbolic
    links in /tmp are not the only things that are troublesome".
    Now people think fifos are a problem, and likely people will come up
    with hacks so that fifos now have a new semantic in /tmp.  That's
    an incorrect workaround or fix.
    Anything which is created non-atomically has problems.  Not just with
    symbolic links, not just with fifos.
    Think regular files.
    In many of these scenarios it is quite possible for the attacker to
    guess what the filename will be beforehands.  gcc is an example, mail
    is another.  The attacker simply must create the temporary file before
    the victim program does.  Now the attacker owns the victim's temporary
    file.  I bet someone could write an exploit which modifies the
    compiler's intermediate files and inserts trojan code automatically.
    Yes, it's a race.  (I would suggest cpp files since they contain much
    blank space which can be compacted to make room for trojan code).
    The attacker owns the file because he created it before the victim
    did, and the victim did not use an atomic file creation.
    Code like this should be modified to create files atomically and
    safely.  I'm sorry, but there just isn't a way around the problem.

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