Re: Race conditions - patch.

From: Theo de Raadt (deraadtat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 22 1998 - 23:42:50 PST

  • Next message: Mastoras: "/usr/dt/bin/dtappgather exploit"

    > Here's my kernel patch. This one should finally (?) stop typical
    > race conditions, including pipe attacks and regular file races.
    > This solution is radical (disallows writing to not-your pipes and
    > files in +t directories), but works fine. Even if any program
    > fails, it may be easily patched to store it's files in eg. /tmp
    > subdir. It's much easier to change one path than to fix a lot
    > of vunerable utilities.
    I must say this, though I suspect Aleph1 will be starting to get
    annoyed at both sides of this silly discussion:
    I am quite fascinated at the extent to which people will go to avoid
    fixing the /tmp races in the programs in question.
    To me it is quite clear that your patches are breaking the
    expectations which regular code has in a POSIX/UNIX environment,
    ie. expectations that /tmp works.
    Perhaps your next patch will make it impossible to create directories
    or files in /tmp.
    Because, as I am sure you do realize, it is very easy to effect denial
    of service attacks by creating a directory where a program expects a
    file, or a file where a program expects to create a directory.
    So... how much longer is this futile slashing going to continue?

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