Re: Serious bug in "radius" dialup authentication software

From: Marco S Hyman (marcat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 22 1998 - 18:32:01 PST

  • Next message: Theo de Raadt: "Re: Race conditions - patch."

    "Phillip R. Jaenke" writes:
     > This is another known bug, which I call the 'magic 128.' Most, if not all,
     > versions of radius, be it Livingston, Merit, RadiusNT, whatever, will choke
     > HORRIBLY if any entered field is over 128 characters. I don't know if
     > there's a workaround, but I haven't actually looked. I honestly don't think
     > anybody's going to bother with that one too much.
    Look at radius.h in the original Livingston code.  You'll see:
    #define AUTH_STRING_LEN         128     /* maximum of 254 */
    Duh! They they almost got the comment right.  AUTH_STRING_LEN is used to
    size strvalue in struct value_pair.  It's used like this in radiusd.c:
                            case PW_TYPE_STRING:
                                    memcpy(pair->strvalue, ptr, attrlen);
    attrlen is calculated as:
                    u_char          *ptr;
                    attrlen = *ptr++;
                    if(attrlen < 2) {
                            length = 0;
                    attrlen -= 2;
    Ok, so with this code the max is actually 253.  Ok, copy 253 bytes
    inte a 128 byte array and see what happens.  I fixed this for the
    Ascend version, perhaps as early as late '94.
    // marc

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