Re: FreeBSD getpass "feature"

From: Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group (cschuberat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 26 1998 - 06:07:51 PST

  • Next message: Thom Henderson: "Re: Serious bug in "radius" dialup authentication software"

    > I just found some discouraging feature of the getpass(3) function,
    > which affects the all programs which are using it: passwd, login, ...
    > When you press ^C (send intr) at the password prompt, you... can enter
    > then password visible (echoed). It does _not_ affect slogin/ssh
    > package because it uses other password giving mechanism.
    > I  don't know, if somebody consider this behaviour normal, but I'm
    > not. So, after the few mail exchange with Guido, I've got the
    > solution: install getpass v1.6 from the current CVS tree which is
    > available from Having problem with applying the
    > fetched diff for getpass I patched it manually, rebuilt the diff and
    > placed it to the
    For some unknown reason I couldn't access your FTP site, some kind of
    routing loop, so here are the diffs for anyone who wants them.
    --- lib/libc/gen/getpass.c-225  Fri Jul 12 11:53:47 1996
    +++ lib/libc/gen/getpass.c      Wed Feb 18 05:58:39 1998
    @@ -44,38 +44,8 @@
     #include <unistd.h>
     static struct termios oterm, term;
    -static sig_t ointhandler, oquithandler, otstphandler, oconthandler;
     static FILE *fp;
    -static void
    -sighandler(int signo)
    -       /* restore tty state */
    -       (void)tcsetattr(fileno(fp), TCSAFLUSH|TCSASOFT, &oterm);
    -       /* restore old sig handlers */
    -       (void)signal(SIGINT, ointhandler);
    -       (void)signal(SIGQUIT, oquithandler);
    -       (void)signal(SIGTSTP, otstphandler);
    -       /* resend us this signal */
    -       (void)kill(getpid(), signo);
    -/* ARGSUSED */
    -static void
    -sigconthandler(int signo)
    -       /* re-install our signal handlers */
    -       ointhandler = signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
    -       oquithandler = signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler);
    -       otstphandler = signal(SIGTSTP, sighandler);
    -       /* turn off echo again */
    -       (void)tcsetattr(fileno(fp), TCSAFLUSH|TCSASOFT, &term);
     char *
            const char *prompt;
    @@ -84,6 +54,7 @@
            register char *p;
            FILE *outfp;
            static char buf[_PASSWORD_LEN + 1];
    +       sigset_t oset, nset;
             * read and write to /dev/tty if possible; else read from
    @@ -94,11 +65,15 @@
                    fp = stdin;
    -       ointhandler = signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
    -       oquithandler = signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler);
    -       otstphandler = signal(SIGTSTP, sighandler);
    -       oconthandler = signal(SIGCONT, sigconthandler);
    +       /*
    +        * note - blocking signals isn't necessarily the
    +        * right thing, but we leave it for now.
    +        */
    +       sigemptyset(&nset);
    +       sigaddset(&nset, SIGINT);
    +       sigaddset(&nset, SIGTSTP);
    +       (void)sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &nset, &oset);
            (void)tcgetattr(fileno(fp), &oterm);
            term = oterm;
            term.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
    @@ -112,11 +87,7 @@
            (void)write(fileno(outfp), "\n", 1);
            (void)tcsetattr(fileno(fp), TCSAFLUSH|TCSASOFT, &oterm);
    -       /* restore old sig handlers */
    -       (void)signal(SIGINT, ointhandler);
    -       (void)signal(SIGQUIT, oquithandler);
    -       (void)signal(SIGTSTP, otstphandler);
    -       (void)signal(SIGCONT, oconthandler);
    +       (void)sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL);
            if (fp != stdin)
    > So all those how think like me that's abnormal behaviour for the
    > getpass can use it. Wish you well.
    > SY, Seva Gluschenko, just stranger at the Road.
    > --- IRC: erra
    >  * Origin: gone to the Internet (gvsat_private) []
    Regards,                       Phone:  (250)387-8437
    Cy Schubert                      Fax:  (250)387-5766
    UNIX Support                   OV/VM:  BCSC02(CSCHUBER)
    ITSD                          BITNET:  CSCHUBERat_private
    Government of BC            Internet:  cschuberat_private

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