FreeBSD getpass "feature"

From: GvS One (gvsat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 24 1998 - 23:24:36 PST

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    Hi, netters!
    I just found some discouraging feature of the getpass(3) function,
    which affects the all programs which are using it: passwd, login, ...
    When you press ^C (send intr) at the password prompt, you... can enter
    then password visible (echoed). It does _not_ affect slogin/ssh
    package because it uses other password giving mechanism.
    I  don't know, if somebody consider this behaviour normal, but I'm
    not. So, after the few mail exchange with Guido, I've got the
    solution: install getpass v1.6 from the current CVS tree which is
    available from Having problem with applying the
    fetched diff for getpass I patched it manually, rebuilt the diff and
    placed it to the
    So all those how think like me that's abnormal behaviour for the
    getpass can use it. Wish you well.
    SY, Seva Gluschenko, just stranger at the Road.
    --- IRC: erra
     * Origin: gone to the Internet (gvsat_private) []

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