*sigh* another RH5 /tmp problem

From: Mark A. Spencer (mspencerat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 09 1998 - 15:55:14 PST

  • Next message: Casper Dik: "Re: Linux libc5 'bug' in mkstemp()."

    RedHat 5, when using dhcp to configure the interface calls a script
    called "ifdhcpc-done" to be executed after a dhcp interface is
    configured. At the end of the process it updates resolv.conf:
    if [ -f /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf ]; then
           echo "setting up resolv.conf" >> /tmp/dhcplog
           cp /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf /etc
    There is no protection against the dhcplog file being a symbolic link,
    clobbering, blah de blah de blah...  (it seems pretty useless to maintain
    it too, since this is the only message that ever seems to appear in the
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root          690 Mar  9 17:23 dhcplog
    Oh, and the file also seems to default to being permissions of 666 which
    allows for easy avoidance of disk quotas...
    Anyway, I would just comment out the echo line and be done
    The only way to exploit this is if the dhcplog file doesn't already exist
    which can occur if the system has been up for 10 days or more and is then

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