Re: RAS 'save password' problems...

From: martin Dolphin (mdolphinat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 22 1998 - 15:03:47 PST

  • Next message: Julie Haugh: "Re: (forw) Re: bug in su (Slackware 3.4)"

    I try to stay away from 95 as much as possible,  however I would *assume*
    that 95 would save this information in the .pwl file as that is where it
    *should* store passwords in 95.  LSA secrets doesn't work on 95 so it
    doesn't seem that MS didn't implement the registry secrets in 95.  Also,
    you can crack a .pwl file using Glide.exe **IF** the password patch was not
    You could prevent 95 users from saving thier password by using the system
    policy editor and disabling password caching.  Users can override this by
    changing the registry value but the next time they logon the policy will be
    refreshed.  If the users need to reenter the password each time they might
    be less likely to use this functionallity.
    At 03:20 PM 3/20/98 -0500, Jim Hebert wrote:
    >On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Aleph One wrote:
    >Any word on this for '95 machines? I know of offices running 95 where
    >employees have given themselves a modem and decided that they should be
    >dialing out to their ISP from work. I'd like to send word along to them
    >about this as it affects 95.
    >(Yeah, I know, the other list is *nt*bugtraq... :-> )

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