QW vulnerability

From: Glenn F. Maynard (glennmat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 07 1998 - 16:42:09 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wedgwood: "AppleShare IP Mail Server"

    On the same note, QuakeWorld v2.10 (latest) is overflowable in the
    initial "connect" sequence.
    The first client->server packet gives the user name, colors, etc:
    0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF followed by (plaintext) ->
    connect "\name\Glenn\key\data"
    There is no bounds checking on this connect; netcatting the following
    will crash the server (although segfault appears trapped; no message is
    displayed, and no core is left): '    connect "\x\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    (repeat "x" as needed; replace the first 4 spaces with 0xFF).
    I've done no actual testing on the buffer length, and my assembler skills
    are not enough to give an example exploit.
    FTR, I've mailed Zoid (current maintainer of QW) multiple times about this
    (and told him once on IRC); not once have I received a reply.
     - Glenn F. Maynard

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