Re: (Q) Sun Rpcbind problem.

From: Casper Dik (casperat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 10 1998 - 11:52:32 PDT

  • Next message: Aaron Bornstein: "Re: Sun rpcbind"

    >Lately, there is an annoucement from Sun regarding security problem
    >with its rpcbind.
    >At the office, one of the solaris machine uses a rpcbind replacement:
    >part of the README is attached at the end.
    >Does anyone have an idea if I should upgrade to the Sun rpcbind, or
    >the replacement rpcbind is OK?
    I've talked some with Wietse, and it seems his replacement rpcbind
    does exactly the same thing wrong as teh real thing.
    However, this is not  big security problem people can exploit at will.
    It requires teh system administrator to want to kill and restart
    rpcbind.  It will then dump out the tables to /tmp
    (unsafely) and when started up it will reread them (also unsafely).
    So if you refrain from killing rpcbind with SIGINT or SIGTERM, you should
    be OK.
    If you have "set nfssrv:nfs_portmon = 1" in /etc/system, you have little to
    worry about when it come sto rpcbind as shipped by Sun, it also now filters
    many different indirect RPC calls.
    (Indirect RPC calls are required to suport broadcast RPC)
    Wietse's rpcbind continues to offer the advantage of filtering and
    logging, but it should be noted that rpcbind need not be involved
    in remote procedure calls at all. Portscanning and then calling also
    find rpc services.

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