Re: APC UPS PowerChute PLUS exploit...

From: Pascal Gienger (pat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 14 1998 - 14:29:57 PDT

  • Next message: Theo de Raadt: "Re: obsd boot hack (boot-modified-kernel-attack)"

    Due to many e-mails received of people wanting the source of the
    freely available upsd, I sent this mail to the list.
    upsd-1.0 was programmed by a guy at Wildwind Communications. It
    used the dumb mode of APC SmartUPSes and is depreciated.
    Then, also at Wildwind Communications, upsd-2.0 appeared. It uses
    active ("intelligent") mode of the SmartUPS and reports actual
    configurations, voltages, etc to the syslog.
    Problem: Wildwind Communications seem to no longer exist on the net.
    Their FTP site is no longer registered at InterNIC (
    So I put the source at our anonymous FTP server for download.
    Please write your own settings for your UPS (configurable parameters)
    in apc_static.c, because they are changing from one country to
    another. Feedback and working configurations would be appreciated.
    I use this upsd with FreeBSD 2.2.5 and a SmartUPS 700.
    pat_private                  Factum Data            - A woman without a man     Pascal Gienger         - is like a fish without
    5734900at_private (Subj!)  Inselg. 13, 78462 KN   - a bicycle...
   echo \8888:ed.tenz.ohce\\:ptth

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