Leveraging search engines against Frontpage enabled servers

From: frank darden (fdardenat_private)
Date: Sun Apr 26 1998 - 11:46:32 PDT

  • Next message: MrJeKKyL: "Re: Leveraging search engines against FrontPage enabled websites"

    Although this isnt really much more than a human bug, I thought I would
    share the following information.
    After reading some of the above posts, a friend decided to load up
    FrontPage Editor, in an effort to seek out vulnerable sites. He did a
    search on _vti_inf.html to get a list of some Frontpage servers on the net.
    It was effective, and he found site after site that had NO password
    whatsoever limiting his ability to edit the servers pages. Actually, I
    havent spent much time researching FrontPage, but I can say that most
    admins are incapable of setting this up properly.

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