TOG and xterm problem

From: Jeff Gehlbach (jeffgat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 30 1998 - 23:12:38 PDT

  • Next message: Allanah Myles: "Re: CERT Vendor-Initiated Bulletin VB-98.04 - xterm.Xaw"

    I have to agree with Theo that this is a sad situation.  At first glimpse
    it seems odd that more people didn't get up in arms about it.  But upon
    further reflection, one realizes that it's pointless to get irate with
    people who have just demonstrated that they are zombies anyway.
    Open Group, when *will* the rest of us see at least some clues about where
    the bug lies and how it can be fixed?  You say you won't release patches
    to X11R<6.4, but can you at least be nice enough to tell those of us using
    the still-perfectly-serviceable 6.3 just a tidbit about the problem?
            Jeff Gehlbach
      jeffgat_private   +1 256-766-5977    +1 256-33-LINUX

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