ircnn-1.3devel problems

From: Warren Rees (wreesat_private)
Date: Fri May 08 1998 - 00:43:42 PDT

  • Next message: Damon Petta: "nestea2 and HP Jet Direct cards."

    I found a nice little bug in ircnn-1.3devel, a few of the servers on
    newnet still apparently run it, after i've told 'em bout it obviously
    they don't care enough to have the servers upgrade, so time to
    make them upgrade :)
    Here's the scoop:
    A Misleading pointer (pointing to a structure instead of a string) causes
    the ircd to core, and possibly keep on coring until the note file is
    The bug:
    /quote note spy +sucjr ChanServ
    /quote note spy ChanServ
    wait a few minutes on the server, or switch to another one, either way, it
    crashes them. Alot of the servers are patched, but few aren't...
    The patch:
    Line 1517 note.c change:
    spy_server = sptr->user->server;
    spy_server = sptr->user->server->name;
    kind of a stupid bug, bug quite fun ntl :)
    Warren Rees
    (System/Security Administrator)
    (Chicago Connection Machines)
    (email: wreesat_private)

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