nestea2 and HP Jet Direct cards.

From: Damon Petta (dlpat_private)
Date: Thu May 07 1998 - 22:40:26 PDT

  • Next message: Oliver Friedrichs: "Re: improved synflood protection & detection"

    nestea and nestea2 do a number on HP Jet Direct printer cards, I have
    tested it on a HP 5/si and a HP 1600c with Jet Direct cards in them it
    locks up until power cycled all of the print jobs that are going to them
    are lost. The HP 5/si has a LCD on the front and there is an error code
    that is displayed.
    this number changes depending on how my times it is hit with nestea2,
    which seems odd to me that if one hit  kills it, what difrence would it
    make hitting it with 10 and why would it report a diffrent code.
    HP's error code explination states the following.
    80 SERVICE(xxxx) CALL
    Indicates an
    unrecoverable HP
    Modular I/O (HP MIO)
    protocol error. This
    indicates a
    catastrophic system
    Switch the printer OFF,
    then ON. If the message
    continues, contact your
    dealer or HP service
    representative for
    I have also tried bonk, boink, teardrop, overdrop and none of them seem to
    have any effect on the printers.
    -- Damon Petta

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