Re: nestea2 and HP Jet Direct cards.

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Sun May 10 1998 - 13:24:04 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "NetBSD Security Advisory 1998-002"

    At 10:40 PM 5/7/98 -0700, Damon Petta wrote:
    >I have also tried bonk, boink, teardrop, overdrop and none of them seem to
    >have any effect on the printers.
    You don't really have to do anything quite that sophisticated.  All you
    have to do is make multiple connects to listening ports on them quickly.
    Some sort of race condition.  If the port scanner you're using is remotely
    efficient, up it goes.  I'm not surprised that they are vulnerable to more
    complex attacks if their base IP stack can't even handle rapid-fire SYN
    packets on different ports.
    David LeBlanc

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