Re: Bay Networks Security Hole

From: Berislav Todorovic (BERIat_private)
Date: Fri May 15 1998 - 11:53:00 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: 3Com switches undocumented access"

    Kirby Dolak wrote:
    >> 2. Bay recommends that both accounts (User and Manager) have passwords
    >> assigned. Both have default/null passwords as they ship from the factory,
    >> just like a Unix system.  The administrator should immediately take
    >> measures to secure the system, at initial system install, so that an
    >> unauthenticated user/manager doesn't have
    >> access to device management information, such as the community names and
    >> addresses via telnet/console.
    Gert Doering wrote:
    >> I like the way Cisco approaches this issue.
    >> And if you are logged in to an unprivileged account, you cannot become
    >> superuser unless you have already set the enable password from the console.
    >> This is VERY good.
    >> No need to "recommend" anything, it's just "secure out of the box".  If
    >> you neglect to configure the password, it just isn't accessible at all
    >> (except from the physical console).
    Sounds reasonable to me to apply good password on User/Manager accounts and
    thus secure the box. I'm wondering, however, what's the real raison d'etre
    of two privilege levels, if I can obtain a more privileged information from
    a higher-privileged level. The basic function of a non-privileged level is
    to give it to the remote support officer, ISP engineer or to a responsible
    person from the network peering with my network, according to the ripe-037
    Well, I also wouldn't like to recommend anything, but here are the facts:
    Cisco IOS gives the possibility to define up to 16 different privilege
    levels, with strictly defined rights. IOS, further, allows to define a
    restricted set of commands, which may be executed from each privilege
    level. I can, thus, give this type of access to the peering ISP personnel
    for the purpose of monitoring without any fear ... At last - try to telnet
    to - a Cisco box with public access! No password!
    Now, what to do with a Bay box, located in the middle of a network? Sit and
    cry! When your peer ISP asks you to take a look at your router config,
    you'll have to log into it yourself and read them (oops, sorry - not to
    "log in" - you'll have to start a "user-friendly" SNMP client, drink a
    coffee until it brings itself up completely, then click, click, click ...).
    I can talk about fun with Bay routers for hours, but that's another story.
    Best regards,
    | --+-- |  Berislav Todorovic, B.Sc.E.E.     | E-mail: BERIat_private
    |  /|\     Hostmaster of the YU TLD          |
    |-(-+-)-|  School of Electrical Engineering  | Phone:  (+381-11) 3221-419
    |  \|/     Bulevar Revolucije 73             |                   3370-106
    | --+-- |  11000 Belgrade SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA | Fax:    (+381-11) 3248-681
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