little Gauntlet problem

From: Magosanyi Arpad (magat_private)
Date: Wed May 20 1998 - 13:15:22 PDT

  • Next message: Ben Woodard: "Re: nestea2 and HP Jet Direct cards. (Lexmark patches)"

    [sorry if it is known]
    There are some problem with the packet filter code of TIS Gauntlet 4.1,
    at least in some configurations.
    I have tried to filter based on ICMP types (-proto ICMP:ECHO in one way and
    -proto ICMP:ECHOREPLY in the other way).
    It seems that the packet filter doesn't distinguish the ICMP types, though
    the documentation says it does.
    The version of Gauntlet is 4.1.
    GNU GPL: csak tiszta forrásból

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