IBM "3com" 8237 (and others ?) "feature"

From: pmsacat_private
Date: Tue May 26 1998 - 17:03:44 PDT

  • Next message: pedwardat_private: "Re: linux 2.0 PTE bug"

    Sorry if this is already known.
    Stepped into a "feature" of an IBM 8237 hub: the firmware contains
    a "factory default" username and password in cleartext. The respective
    user has administrative rights on the hub. As this factory username
    doesn't show on the hub users section it would be nice of them to
    put it in the documentation. Needless to say, you can't change it
    without manually editing the firmware file before downloading it to
    the hub. This feature is confirmed on a 8237 hub, model 003,
    firmware version 1.27 (I suspect other firmware versions have it,
    too). Models 001 seem unaffected (looking at version 1.08 of the
    firmware). Also, this model, if affected, would only be vulnerable
    if a possible intruder had physical access to the hub.
    DoS and disclosure of SNMP communities are some of the obvious
    consequences of this feature.
    Other kinds of hub (8225, others) could be vulnerable.
    Goes without saying these "hidden/factory/last resort" logins stink.
    See the 3com switches thread for further discussion about the subject.
    Have a nice day.
    - This "feature" report was only sent here, personal
    - I do know hubs aren't generally accessible from the internet;
    - Thanks to my work colleagues and my boss (give me a raise,
    please ;)

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