Re: Problem with ascend pipeline routers.

From: Joe Shaw (jshawat_private)
Date: Thu May 28 1998 - 13:53:53 PDT

  • Next message: Jeff Wheeler: "Ascend Pipeline DoS"

    On Wed, 27 May 1998, Eric Thacker wrote:
    > Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 14:19:30 -0700
    > From: support <supportat_private>
    > To: ericat_private
    > Subject: RE: Ticket #238563
    > Eric:
    > The pipeline has no way of telling what is a legit telnet and what is
    > not and because the box is meant to be accessed this way (both locally
    > and remotely), a firewall is the best way to restrict telnet access.
    > --
    > Ascend Communications, Inc          Service & Support
    > supportat_private
    I've forwarded this to the ascend users group (ascend-usersat_private) so
    we can get Kevin Smith's (kevinat_private) and Matt Holdrege's
    (mattat_private) opinion on this.
    I have my own opinions on the problem.  The Pipeline family has always
    been a very basic, barebones line of routers with a somewhat limited set
    of functions.  They'll do NAT, RIP, etc. but all of them only allow you
    two telnet sessions into the router and only one diagnostics session.
    This was done to limit the resources that would be consumed so ram/cpu
    wouldn't be burderend with tons of telnet sessions and/or diagnostic
    sessions which can kill it's bigger brother the MAX, just like doing
    debug all on a cisco will hose it.
    But regardless, even if there was an idle timer on the authentication
    mechanism, there are still a few problems.  One problem is that even
    with a login timeout, you're going to have two telnet sessions max, which
    is a limit placed most likely by the resources mentioned earlier.   So,
    you can just keep opening telnet sessions as soon as the others die and
    see if you can keep telnet access locked up.  Also, as of the 5.0A
    versions of code (and possibly earlier) the ascend doesn't log telnet
    connections to the syslog facility.  My maxen don't do it, and the
    pipeline logs I've looked at don't do it.  They do log incoming calls,
    call up, call down, and various other events, but not telnet access.
    So, tracking down who's doing this would involve a sniffer, which might
    not be a readily available tool to most people with pipelines as routers.
    You're right though, the best way to handle the problem is by firewalling
    or filtering out telnet access.  Guess this is a good selling point for
    their Secure Access Firewall option.
    Also, I was able to knock out 3 of my Ascend Maxen by repetedly telneting
    to them.  Software version was 5.0Ap51, file ti.m40.  On a heavily loaded
    max, I opened two successful simultaneous telnets and it died on the
    third, while another max died at four.  I'm going to investigate further,
    and I have no info on the 6.0.X versions of max code yet.
    Joe Shaw - jshawat_private
    NetAdmin - Insync Internet Services

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