Re: Full Armor

From: S M Phillips (phillistat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 11 1998 - 16:17:46 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Svensson: "Re: Silly patch to report version.bind requests"

    to prevent this add the following to MSDOS.SYS under the [Options]
    Network=1 (if you have networking enabled)
    while this does tend to stop most of the general populace from bypassing
    the restrictions in effect - it still doesnt stop someone booting off a
    disk, you could use a bios setting to boot from C before A (if your bios
    supports it), hence bypassing this as well - yet, the fact still remains,
    dos is never 100% secure, all someone would need to do is gain write
    access to the c:\msdos.sys file which shouldnt be a hard thing to do given
    a bit of time :)

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