Re: CISCO PIX Vulnerability

From: Jamie Thain (jthainat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 20 1998 - 06:24:54 PDT

  • Next message: Mike: "Microsoft Insecurity..."

    > The simplest attack (``the Exabyte attack'') is to encrypt some
    > common plaintext block (e.g. "\nlogin: ") under all 2^48 possible
    > keys, and store the 2^48 ciphertext results on a big Exabyte tape;
    > then each subsequent link-encryption key can be broken with O(1)
    > effort.  Thanks to the ECB mode, such a common plaintext block
    > should be easy to find.  (With a real chaining mode, these attacks
    > are not possible under a ciphertext-only assumption, because the
    > chaining vector serves as a kind of salt.)
    Even if the ciper were a one byte char, the resulting data set size
    would be 281,474 GB big, I have not heard of a 281TB tape drive yet.
    > A much more practical approach would use Hellman's time-space
    > tradeoff.  There, you'd need only about 2^32 space (e.g. $100 at
    > Fry's for a cheap hard disk), plus you'd need to do a 2^48 precomputation.
    > After the precomputation, each subsequent link-encryption key
    > can be broken with about 2^32 trial encryptions.
    This is 4GB which is doable, but the resultant set of cipertexts would
    still be ~24GB big, which makes you want to have a really good reason.
    Although with some dedicated Hardware 281 Trillion combinations could be
    tried in a few minutes, and it would be broken.

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