Microsoft Insecurity...

From: Mike (mikeat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 22 1998 - 05:52:11 PDT

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "Linux kernel: sys_set*id(uid_t...) confusion"

    Well!  After an overwhelming response from everyone, just a summery of the
    1.  This is a Microsoft Application problem, from Word, excel, etc from way
    back as far as Word 2.0
    2.  This has been reported before to Microsoft, without any kind of
    response or patch, etc
    3.  The problem is that the Microsoft Applications take RAM or Buffer
    blocks to fill out application files - reading plaintext, etc,
    4.  Suggestions to turn off the 'Fast Save' option help, but do not by any
    means eliminate the problem.
    5.  There is no other Fix - other than not attaching an application
    document to send to anyone who could possibly use it maliciously.
    6.  I think I have heard the opinions from everyone EXCEPT any sort of
    Microsoft rep, surprised?
    7.  It would be a simple fix of encrypting the 'fill' information with a
    simple MD5 encryption or something similar, just to eliminate any plaintext.
    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and information....
    | Mike Morton       DXStorm Geek Team Leader       |
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    | mikeat_private  | DXShop ...Open For Business! |
    |   Quality Developers of Above Quality Solutions  |
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