Fixing up Qpopper

From: Chris Evans (chrisat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 29 1998 - 03:00:55 PDT

  • Next message: Klaus: "Re: More problems with QPOPPER - <sigh>"

    Everyone is scrambling around trying to analyse which sprintf()'s are
    going to cause overflows in qpopper.
    This is not the proper approach to security. It causes additional
    overruns to be missed, as is witnessed by lots of "here's another one"
    posts seen on the topic so far. There will always be some weird code path
    that concatenates strings longer than you expected, etc.
    Successful protection of security related software commonly uses one of
    these techniques:
    1) Bounds check _all_ copies. For example, samba just did a mass switch
       from strcpy to strncpy. Of course, after a strncpy you must remember
       to ensure the destination is properly null terminated.
    2) When copying data, work out the required new length then make a new
       buffer of required size on the fly. Lots of programs with very good
       security records have used this approach.

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