Re: ncurses 4.1 security bug

From: Alan Cox (alanat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 08 1998 - 05:45:58 PDT

  • Next message: Perry E. Metzger: "Re: ncurses 4.1 security bug"

    > Duncan Simpson writes:
    > > ncurses version 4.1 fails to drop priviledges before opening the
    > > termcap database and you can set any file(s) you like.
    > This is not a bug. ncurses is a *library*, not a *program*. It is up
    > to suid programs to drop privileges, not every call that invokes them --
    > or are you going to declare the fact that fopen() doesn't drop
    > privileges a "bug"?
    Depends how you care to look at it. I can agree with your reasoning.
    In which case there is a bug in
            screen   (as root so very bad)
            several bsd-games packages
    and almost every other setuid/setgid binary that uses ncurses,termcap or slang
    anywhere on the planet today. Also of course any setuid/setgid applications
    using NLS or TZ. The latter is far nastier because
    1.      The libraries will use message catalogs and may open them before
            you do
    2.      If you are using C++ your constructors can't call libc in this case
            as the order of constructors isnt defined
    3.      Is anyones internationalised ? Which OS's have C libraries
            that load TZ or NLS data at library initialisation time before
            the app starts.
    4.      Dropping TZ or NLS when setuid is really obnoxious - Japanese users
            will love having mutt, screen, and things like su in English.
    And of course your comment is inconsistent with LD_PRELOAD handling on
    every OS so far - is a shared object too.

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