Re: EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd

From: der Mouse (mouseat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 28 1998 - 11:09:36 PDT

  • Next message: Theo de Raadt: "Re: Fwd: Any user can panic OpenBSD machine"

    > Beware of the Dijkstra phenomenon.
    > The phenomenon is that immodular code seems more ``productive'' than
    > heavily modularized code.  You can read or write many more lines per
    > hour of malloc(), strcpy(), free() than of unfamiliar high-level
    > routines.
    This is actually "you can read or write many more lines per hour of
    familiar calls than unfamiliar calls"; if you're not familiar with
    malloc(), strcpy(), and free(), you can't churn them out very fast
    either - at least not with even the minimal correctness most programs
    > Of course, the modular code ends up being _much_ smaller.
    This is far too dogmatic a statement.  It is true in many
    circumstances, but it is also false in plenty of other circumstances.
    I recently wrote a program to check if a file had been touched recently
    (for a suitable value of "recently") and if not, to restart the daemon
    that should have been touching it.  The code calls only a handful of
    routines more than once: fprintf (3 calls), exit (6 calls), open (2),
    dup2 (3), close (2), strerror (3).  (The routines called only once are
    lstat, gettimeofday, fork, ioctl, setpgrp, chdir, unlink,
    getdtablesize, execle.)  I don't for a moment believe using "modular
    code" would have made this program "_much_ smaller".  Indeed, I *am*
    using a "modular" module, namely stdio, and my offhand guess is it's
    responsible for more than half the program's size (when linked static -
    otherwise stdio's contribution isn't easy to work out; the static
    version is over four times the size of the non-static version, on disk).
    The modular code usually ends up being slower, too.  Not enough slower
    to matter, in many circumstances, but it's something to keep in mind.
    > It also lets you independently check the correctness of each module;
    > this scales to arbitrarily large systems if the modules remain small.
    It also means that a missed bug affects an arbitrarily large proportion
    of the system as a whole, of course.
                                            der Mouse
                         7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

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