Re: Long attachment filename exploits: a procmail filter

From: John D. Hardin (jhardinat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 29 1998 - 20:05:45 PDT

  • Next message: Vadim Fedukovich: "Re: [ NT SECURITY ALERT ] New Local GetAdmin Exploit"

    On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Brett Glass wrote:
    > This recipe is a great start! However, there are a few potential improvements.
    Fire away!
    > First, it doesn't recognize tabs as whitespace or handle optional
    > whitespace in a few places where MIME would allow it.
    I fixed that - thanks for pointing it out. Please grab the
    html-trap.procmail snippet again and take a look.
    > Second, it invokes Perl on any message with a MIME attachment, which
    > could slow the mail server greatly. It would be preferable to detect the
    > exploit in procmail and only invoke Perl to "cleanse" the message if
    > that were necessary.
    Not so. It uses procmail REs to detect long filenames and executable
    filenames, and only calls perl to sanitiza them if they are found.
    > Alternatively, it could redirect the mail to the postmaster so he or she
    > would know that users were under attack.
    Hmm. That would be simple a matter of adding
        ! postmaster
    to the block that calls perl - before (unsanitized) or after (sanitized)
    perl cleans the message would be a judgement call.
    Alternatively you could send the entire message as an attachment - that
    might be better. Could someone give me an action that will take the
    message being processed and mail it as a MIME attachment to postmaster?
    I'm not very familiar with formail.
    > Finally, there are other possible exploits, like a very long content
    > type, that might also lead to buffer oveflows in mail clients. These
    > should be checked too.
    If you can give me an example, I'll be glad to add a trap for it. I'll
    take a shot at it without a sample, but it might not be too good.
    > Can people suggest improvements to John's recipes that solve these
    > problems? Greg Sutter and Chris Lindsey have both come up with patterns
    > that do more of the matching within procmail, but they still need a
    > little refinement.
    > In any event, this is a great start. It's fantastic that someone who had
    > most of the needed recipe already written was on the list.... This is
    > what's great about the Net!
    ...and that I also lurk on bugtraq and ntbugtraq... :)
     John Hardin KA7OHZ                               jhardinat_private
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