Re: Eudora executes (Java) URL

From: High Tide (hightideat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 12 1998 - 08:29:08 PDT

  • Next message: Theodore D Hickman Jr: "Re: sytraced (stolen)"

    > Actually, I believe the RE that you are looking for is this:
    > s/<\s*BODY\s+((([^">]+("(\\.|[^"])*")?)*)ONLOAD)*?\s*/<BODY $1
    Actually, I believe this discussion should be taken off bugtraq unless
    someone knows how to fix the backtracking problem that I don't think even
    made it to the list.
    The problem is with the second (in the above expression) +, and the third
    *.  What happens is as the regex is processing <BODY 123> it ends up
    trying to find a match in with the following values for the [^">]+ :
    12 3
    1 23
    1 2 3
    I don't know if that makes any sense to you, but it's a exponential load
    result, 2^(n-1) where n = len($x).  Try this regex on
    <BODY $x>
    for large values of len($x).
    Sean Bastille

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