Incorrect Linux ARP behavior

From: Seth McGann (smmat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 18 1998 - 17:14:28 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: NT floppy driver makes risky assumptions"

    After further investigation it appears neped.c (the Linux sniffer detector
    by savageat_private ) operates due to a problem in
    /linux/net/ipv4/arp.c.  The function arp_rcv() controls when to send ARP
    responses.  The criteria for sending these responses is flawed, in that it
    will respond to ARP requests regardless of the destination MAC address.
    Normally only frames with a station's MAC address are processed so this is
    not a problem.  In promiscuous mode, all frames are processed, and without
    checking the destination MAC address there is no way to discern if the
    packet was really bound for listening station.  To fix this problem all
    that needs to be done is add the following check (pseudo code):
    if(ether_header_destination != device_hardware_address) return;
    Seth M. McGann / smmat_private        "Security is making it              to the bathroom in time."
    KeyID: 2048/1024/E2501C80
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