Re: tar "features"

From: der Mouse (mouseat_private)
Date: Sat Sep 26 1998 - 08:18:51 PDT

  • Next message: Kragen: "Re: tar "features""

    >> But this sort of thing is why, quite some time ago, I added a key (I
    >> picked "j") to my tar to watch for exactly this kind of thing: add j
    >> to an x operation and tar will refuse to extract such things.
    > Is this a patch you can release?
    No and yes.  I can release it, but it is not a patch.  "[M]y tar" is a
    complete rewrite, and as a result I can release the whole thing.
    I'm not about to send it to bugtraq, since it's over 260K.  Even after
    gzip --best | btoa, it's still 85858 bytes.  But I will happily mail a
    copy to anyone who asks for it.  (That size figure does not include the
    manpage, which is another 45668 bytes uncompressed - I need to check it
    to make sure it's up-to-date, though.)
    > Why do you provide the option of not doing this checking?
    Mmm.  I am not about to drop the option of not doing the checking,
    though one could certainly argue it should be turned on by default
    despite the efficiency penalty (lots more syscalls per thing
    [excerpt from the comment I quoted, and reply to it]
    >>  * This code is full of potential races,
    > That's an interesting thing to point out.  I can't count the number
    > of tar files I've extracted that had world-writable directories in
    > them.  The races you mention exist in just ordinary tar, as well as
    > your modified version, I assume.
    Yes and no.  The races the comment is referring to are specifically
    races in the checking code.  Since "ordinary tar" doesn't have that
    checking, those races can't exist there.
    There undoubtedly are plenty of other races in tar, though I do try to
    minimize them (for example, extracted directories are mode 700 until
    it's done with them, whereupon it chmod()s them to their in-archive
    mode.  (This breaks certain unusual tarfiles, but such tarfiles are
    usually no better with other tars and often much worse.))  Of course,
    this does nothing about a directory that's world-writeable in the
    tarfile; it'll come out world-writeable when tar is done with it.  I
    don't intend to change that, though it does occur to me that it might
    be good to have a pseudo-umask argument that is used to mask all the
    in-archive modes to get the final modes.
    >> Of course, on systems with symlink modes [the paranoia code] will
    >> break for an archive that looks like
    >> --x--x--x ./foo -> /etc
    >> rwxrwxrwx ./foo/profile
    >> because it won't be able to readlink() the extracted symlink.
    > I assume this means that you're using readlink() to tell if it's a
    > symlink or not.
    Good guess, but that isn't why.  It's because to tell whether it's safe
    to extract ./foo/profile I not only have to tell whether ./foo is a
    symlink, I have to tell where it points.  I don't want to kvetch about
    ./foo -> ./bar/foo-dir
    because that's all within the to-be-extracted-into subtree.  But the
    only ways to tell the difference between that and what I quoted above
    are (a) to remember the ./foo link when it's extracted, for later, and
    (b) to readlink() it.  The former can get arbitrarily hard, as in
    ./blee/bloo -> ..
    ./blee/bloo/foo -> /somewhere/evil
    , requires a bunch of storage, and doesn't help if the symlink is
    already present (perhaps through extracting a companion archive
    earlier; either archive can be entirely innocent on its own).  Thus, I
    went for (b), though as I say it has problems with un-readlink()-able
    symlinks (on systems where such things exist).
                                            der Mouse
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