Re: By-passing MS Proxy 2.0 and others packet filtering

From: Marc D. Behr (mbehrat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 09 1998 - 05:31:42 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Brenton: "More Rconsole stuff"

    In message <E0zRAWY-0003iT-00at_private>, Mnemonix writes:
    >Okay - to make everything more clear
    >Firstly it seems that most web-based proxies, not just MS Proxy, are
    >susceptible to this kind of attack. Thanks to Greg Jones and others for
    >doing some testing on this.
    It is true that most improperly configured web proxy servers can be exploited
    to allow you to access any service on a remote system. The key statement here
    is "improperly configured".
    At a previous job at a network equipment manufacturer, I was responsible to
    the administration of the web servers and proxies. I installed rules on the
    proxy server that indicated what ports I would allow people to connect to on
    remote systems. The proxy was configured to allow connections only to ports
    70,80-89,8000-8090 on the remote servers (I think that was all, but my memory
    may have missed a few).
    If a user attempted to access a server that was running on a different port,
    they would get a message indicating that access was being denied to this
    server/port and that if they needed access, they should contact "The Web
    Police". We could then determine if a special case rule was necessary to allow
    This is a reminder that if your firewall policy is to deny anything that is
    not specifically allowed, you need to remember to implement this exact same
    policy on your proxy server if you wish to maintain security.
    I would also recommend that you do NOT run a proxy server on port 80. Pick
    some other port in the 81-89 range and ensure that your proxy is configured to
    allow connections from  inside addresses only (even if you have installed
    packet filtering rules to do the same). I always like to assume that
    everything else is broken and repeat the rules where I can.
    - --
    Marc D. Behr                                    mbehrat_private
    SecurePipe Communications, LLC
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