FW: More Rconsole stuff

From: Tyson Boellstorff (tboellstat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 12 1998 - 14:00:55 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew Patton: "Re: using Solaris pax to get files mode 777"

    >        That's not correct.  By default, users don't have access to SYS:ETC.  If you
    >grant them access here, then you're asking for trouble because the only modules
    >that need access to this directory are the NLMs (NetWare Loadable Modules) that
    >run on the server.
    Further, if you are loading crontab.nlm, or using any of the goodies in the toolbox nlm,
    you can basically kiss control of your server goodbye...
    >> The patch would be to call remote from another NCF file which is stored
    >> in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. This will at least limit access to only
    >> Admins. This will also prevent Inetcfg from trying to grab it. Of course
    >> the real fix would be to not use Rconsole. ;)
    >        This is a good solution if users do have access to SYS:ETC, but if your users
    >do have access to SYS:ETC then it is time to find out why.
    Tyson Boellstorff CNE

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