A wee caveat - the freeware WAR-ftp server (most versions)

From: Mnemonix (mnemonixat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 12 1998 - 21:43:10 PDT

  • Next message: Gus: "Re: [NTSEC] By-passing MS Proxy 2.0 and others packet filtering"

    Hey all,
    An associate of mine had a problem recently whereby he had forgotten the password for the sysadmin account for  the freeware WAR-ftp server for the Win32 platform. On looking into the problem to see if I could
    discover his password I found that the waruser.dat file contains the password in clear text. So just in case - anyone who uses the same password for their NT Administrator account, should probably change one of them - preferably the Administrator account's password. I don't know if this is a "known" issue - but if not - you know now ;-)

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