Re: Communicator 4.5 stores EVERY mail-password in preferences.js

From: HD Moore (hdmooreat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 04 1998 - 15:20:27 PST

  • Next message: Roland Grefer: "Re: ISS Security Advisory: Hidden community string in SNMP"

    In the Windows environment prefs.js isnt the only place that your password
    is stored.  Netscape also creates a registry entry for your password
    (garbled as well) that any admin on your local LAN (or some cracker over the
    internet) can read by remotely connecting to your registry.  The path it is
    stored in is:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\biff\users\<profile
    name>\servers\<mail  server hostname>\password
    This is with the 'dont save password option' checked on 4.5 (netscape.exe
    internal version:
    By any chance does anyone know how the password is encrypted or how strong
    of encryption is used?
    I also managed to copy that registry entry onto a separate computer (while
    messenger was already open and I had checked my mail once), changed the
    hostname of the mail server entry to match and successfully retrieved mail
    with that account while sniffing the plain text pop3 pass over my dialup...

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