SCO World Script Vulnerabilities

From: Ben Laurie (benat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 10:16:04 PST

  • Next message: Stout, Bill: "Citadel security exploits?"

    I don't use SCO any more (well, I can give it up any time, honest), but
    I still get their mags. So, this morning I was leafing through SCO
    World, August '98 and September/October '98. Therein we find "Nuthin'
    but Net", "Administering Your System via the Web" by Jim Mohr. This
    suggests so many really Bad Things it is difficult to know where to
    start, but here goes.
    1. First, set up .rhosts on all your servers, so the webserver can log
    in and do stuff.
    2. Let the user specify the server name as a CGI parameter. Any name
    they like.
    3. Now, using perl, pass that name, unvetted, to rsh like so:
    open(MSG,'rsh '.$server.' other stuff');
    Wonderful. I wonder if we can find a SCO server running this stuff?
    Oh, BTW, here's a particular gem I shall treasure forever: "Lowering
    security to make Web access easier is less of a problem". Yeah, right!
    Ben Laurie            |Phone: +44 (181) 735 0686| Apache Group member
    Freelance Consultant  |Fax:   +44 (181) 735 0689|
    and Technical Director|Email: benat_private |
    A.L. Digital Ltd,     |Apache-SSL author
    London, England.      |"Apache: TDG"

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