Re: catdoc-0.90 buffer overruns

From: Kragen (kragenat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 12 1998 - 14:42:07 PST

  • Next message: Roman Drahtmueller: "Re: world-readable shadow backups in SuSe 5.2"

    This is not just a security problem if catdoc is run with "privileges
    users don't have" --- it's a security problem if you accept any
    documents from the outside world and then try to read them with catdoc,
    without first checking them to see if they have buffer-overflow
    attempts in them.
    Since, presumably, the usual reason one runs catdoc is that one person
    created a document with Microsoft products and another person, without
    Microsoft products available, tries to read that document, this is
    essentially a constant security hole.
    <kragenat_private>       Kragen Sitaker     <>
    Irony and sarcasm deflate seriousness, and when your seriousness becomes detum-
    escent, you're not held responsible for your thoughts. Irony beats thinking like
    rock beats scissors. --

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