Re: Why you should avoid world-writable directories

From: Gonzo Granzeau (gonzoat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 22 1998 - 10:51:36 PST

  • Next message: Mike Wronski: "3Com HiperARC "adm" user. WAS:RE: Re: 3com"

    As noted from previous sendmail issues, two of the stated problems can be
    solved by doing a correct disk structure.  You cannot create hard links across
    across different partitions.  That way, if you have a /, /usr, /tmp, and a
    /home, you should be okay if it drops it in tmp.  You'd basically have to
    give their program it's own file system.  This still doesn't change the fact
    that it is flawed, but if you are forced to use it...
    What's really funny is how often programs with 'secure' in the title usually
    have a few more security problems than normal... `8r)
    Gonzo Granzeau                     >  Nothing the god of biomechanics
    gonzoat_private      <  won't let you into heaven for..
    God, root, what's the difference...>       -Roy Batty, _Blade Runner_

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