Re: Why you should avoid world-writable directories

From: Casper Dik (casperat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 23 1998 - 01:16:40 PST

  • Next message: Kragen Sitaker: "Re: Why you should avoid world-writable directories"

    >getpeeruid() has a problem since multiple processes may write to one
    >datagram socket, also processes can change uid and file handles can be
    >passed around.
    >Both recent *BSD and Linux 2.1.x have per message authentication data
    >for AF_UNIX sockets that is available as a control message (ie you can
    >get it via recvmsg()).
    Also, on systems that have STREAMs based loopback transports, support
    exists to get the other ends credentials in a similar manner.
    This is used for authentication on Solaris 2.x loopback rpc
    (rpcbind, vold, autofsd, keyserv)

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