Re: Breeze Network Server remote reboot and other bogosity.

From: Kev (klmitchat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 01 1999 - 13:29:59 PST

  • Next message: Pete Gonzalez: "SRP summary + opinions"

    > production machine.  I explained that we had some things to work on, and
    > that we had a security review planned after we had ensured that the machine
    > was stable and functional.
    With all due respect, this is not the way to craft a secure product.
    Security must be designed in from the beginning; reviewing the security
    after everything else is already done simply will not result in a secure
    product.  Even a testing release, such as your company provided to Mr.
    Vardomskiy's, needs to display some security awareness if it is intended
    to be a secure product after release.  His report seems to indicate a
    lack of such forethought on the part of your developers.
    Kevin L. Mitchell <klmitchat_private>
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