Re: Win98 Crash?

From: routeat_private
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 13:41:36 PST

  • Next message: Christopher Seawood: "Re: Microsoft Hotmail"

    [dorqus maximus wrote]
    | This oshare.c code may have crashed our Checkpoint Firewall-1, version 3.0b,
    | Build Number: 3083. (Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.5.1)
        Sending 10,000 (not really --see below) of these `oshare` packets failed
        to do anything to the following machines:
        OpenBSD 2.4
        FreeBSD 3.0
        Solaris 2.7
        Linux 2.1.124 SMP
        Windows 98
        A cursory glance at the code reveals two noteworthy things:
        1. There is no pause during packet injection.  This results in a large
           amount of dropped packets.  Your results will vary, but on my 100Mb
           ethernet, I saw about a 30% - 40% packet loss.
        2. The packet is built inside a 40 byte buffer, yet is assigned a size
           of 44 bytes (and a header length of 44 bytes).  The checksum is also
           computed across this phantom 44 byte size.  When injecting into the
           network, however, only the original 40 bytes are written (anything
           larger, of course, would likely end up SIGSEGVing).  The end result is
           a bad checksum on the other end.
        Finally, in closing, allow me to shamelessly plug libnet.  Again.  Libnet,
        simply put, is a C library for portable packet creation.  The above
        `exploit` under libnet, can be rewritten portably in minutes.  Beyond that
        (especially when combined with libpcap) it can be used to build powerful
        network applications without worrying about low-level packet interface
        nuances.  Soon to be released version .10 offers numerous bug and
        portability fixes, several new utility and packet building modules, as
        well as additions to the FreeBSD and OpenBSD Ports collection.
    I live a world of paradox... My willingness to destroy is your chance for
    improvement, my hate is your faith -- my failure is your victory, a victory
    that won't last.

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