Re: open socket in java

From: Toby Chamberlain (tobyat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 04 1999 - 17:04:24 PST

  • Next message: John Stanley: "Re: WebRamp M3 Perceived Bug"

    nino worte:
    > The implications are obvious. If any host can connect to the machine
    > running the aplet, you could tell java to do things like the boserver.
    > If
    > you have a completely open socket, its rock n' roll !
    I may be missing something here, but from what I understand of the bug
    it _doesn't_ constitute a major security issue. All it means is that we
    have an open socket to a Java APPLET - (note: *not* a Java application)
    - running on the machine, and are still subject to the "sandbox"
    restrictions that applets have. We can't read/write files on the local
    machine or do anything that we couldn't do with an applet anyway.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's anything to get
    too excited about kiddies - the Java/Javascript combo that let's you
    read files (posted on bugtraq a month or so ago) is much more
    interesting :)
    Stay cool,

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