open socket in java

From: nino (ninoat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 06:32:20 PST

  • Next message: Sergey V. Kolychev: "Net::RawIP 0.05 has been released"

    Giao Nguyen wrote:
    > Just for kicks, I wrote a sample applet that listened on a socket. I
    > discovered that when the applet was loaded under Netscape (as tested
    > with version 4.5), any hosts could then connect to the machine running
    I tried but couldnt arrive at those consequences. It doesnt go that way
    under linux.
    The implications are obvious. If any host can connect to the machine
    running the aplet, you could tell java to do things like the boserver.
    you have a completely open socket, its rock n' roll !
    BTW - dont be afraid to release the code. It makes it more easy to the
    rest of us, to see what happened. And the script kids got lots of evil
    tools out there, so I think they wouldnt be too interested in code they
    have to alter before its useful.
    Best Regards

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