Re: open socket in java

From: Hale (adminat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 05 1999 - 05:18:39 PST

  • Next message: John Byrne: "Re: Cyrix bug: freeze in hell, badboy"

    Wether or not that could cause any problems is realted to the level of
    security that is imposed on java applets. Say you open a listening port
    on 139 or 23. If that sockets lays over the existing one, it could
    possible take traffic from it, and relay it to a remote host. You can do
    this with netcat, so I would think java applets would be subject to the
    same security..
    At 11:16 PM 2/4/99 +0200, Aviram Jenik wrote:
    >nino wrote:
    >> The implications are obvious. If any host can connect to the machine
    >> running the aplet, you could tell java to do things like the boserver.
    >> If
    >> you have a completely open socket, its rock n' roll !
    >No, it's not.
    >Yes, you can connect to the open socket, but the applet can't do any I/O, so
    >it's basically harmless (just like any other applet).
    >The fact that the applet accepts outside connections is nothing by its own
    >(besides a bad feeling it makes anybody that knows something about
    >security...). The only possible security implication is performing some DoS
    >on that socket or combining this with another exploits
    >You definitely can't write a boserver in Java.

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