Re: Buffer overflow and OS/390

From: Marc Heuse (marcat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 06 1999 - 07:53:33 PST

  • Next message: Mr. joej: "ISS Internet Scanner Cannot be relied upon for conclusive Audits"

    > When I was thinking about the OS/390 and its open TCP/IP services, this
    > came to my mind that the conceptual resemblance between MVS and UNIX may
    > lead to some successful buffer overflow attack in OS/390.
    > Now open MVS comes with TCP/IP services that are running as Started Tasks
    > which seem to be just like suid demons.  TSO session creates its own
    > address space which seems like a memory space for UNIX shell environment.
    > If a normal user can create a shell code for the jump to the TSO command
    > line of a SPECIAL user, I think that buffer overflow may not be impossible.
    well, you can't mess with code space as normal users (if i remember correctly).
    buffer overflows are of course possible, but you can't use them to do
    stack smashing attacks because the code and data segments are seperated.
    > Even C compiler is available for the ESA.  Well, if someone finds
    > vulnerable programs, this may lead to successful attack on the environment.
    well, back in an old job I did a security review of the OpenEdition segment
    and found some security vulnerabilities (which should be fixed in the
    current release - it was a hard fight until they promised that).
    i think there are still my vulnerabilities left still to be found for the
    brave searcher ;-)
      Marc Heuse, S.u.S.E. GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, 90443 Nuernberg
      E@mail: marcat_private      Function: Security Support & Auditing
      issue a  "finger marcat_private | pgp -fka" for my public pgp key

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